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1. Jeanette Sherbondy, compiler, Compiled biography of Sherbondy, Abraham J. (Clan L), titled "Sherbondy Family Pioneers," by Jeanette Sherbondy, 1993, 10 typed pages, 1 page letter, 1708A, 8 Dec 1994, Correspondence # 1708A at SFA, (1993). Hereinafter cited as Abraham J. Sherbondy biography.
2. Charlotte Hohenshell Cemetery Marker purchase receipt; purchaser John Breuer, Descendant # 124, Correspondence # 904A at SFA, 10 Feb 1880, First name.
3. Kathryn L. Raines, compiler, Compiled Records of Hohenshell, George and Charlotte Sherbondy (125) and descendants, 1984, by Kathryn L. Raines, group sheets, newspaper articles, photos of individuals and tomb stones, certificates and documents, only cited data not cited elsewhere to an original source, the group sheets cite one or more of the following on each sheet (but not to specific events) 1) family bible of Caroline Brewer McDowell, 2) records of Sarah Brewer Bushnell, 3) memoriam booklets and cards of K. Raines, 4) family records 5) various types of certificates (not named), received 15 July 1984, 44 pages, 791.5A, Correspondence # 791.5A at SFA, (1984). Hereinafter cited as Hohenshell / Sherbondy History.
4. Part I, Church records of PA, Westmoreland County, East Huntingdon Township, Zion Church Part I 1778-1820, by Paul Miller Ruff, received 21 Oct 2004, 68 pages, 709E: Ref 154, per the index, (1778-1820), SFA, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Zion Church Baptismal Records, Correspondence # 709E.
5. unknown volume, Baptismal Records of PA, Westmoreland County, E. Huntington, S. Huntington, Hempfield and Allegheny Towhships; Zion, Hope (Hoffmans), Brush Creek and Salem Churches; dates from 1794 to 1844, 14 births / baptisms, each has a "Code" that appears to be a record number, part of 1452A letter from Archivist Paul M. Ruff, 2 pages, received 27 Feb 1987: Code ZE 154, (1794 to 1844), SFA, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Church Records of Westmoreland County, Correspondence # 1452A.
6. unknown volume, Baptismal Record of PA, Westmoreland from book titled "The German Church Records of Westmoreland Co., PA 1792-1804" by Paul Miller Rupp (Vol II per 249A and 1339A), received 4 Oct 1982 from Genealogist Candy Livengood, 2 pages, part of 31E (per 141E from Genealogist Charlotte Rogers there are three books of these church records "with many Sherbondy's")(also 1 birth referred to in 215A by Dorothy Hiatt)(also 6 births typed on a 1 page document by De Lores Wanner as part of 249A)(also Jacob birth referred to by De Lores Wanner as part of 1339A): # 154, SFA does not have a copy of this source, Repository not cited by the author, Referred to in correspondence. Hereinafter cited as German Church Records of Westmoreland Co., Correspondence # 31E, 215A, 249A, 1339A.
7. unknown volume, Church Records of PA, Westmoreland County, South Huntingdon Township, Hoffman's Hope Lutheran Church, 1782-1915, copy of book received 5 Oct 2004 by Jeffrey D. Sherbondy, 68 pages, 704E, also received from Genealogist Marie Forehan 17 Feb 2005 pages 1, 5, 10, 11, 13, 52, 55, 56 part of 730E, (1782-1915), SFA, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as Hoffman's Hope Lutheran Church Records, Correspondence # 704E, 730E.
8. Part I, Zion Church Baptismal Records: Ref 154, page 30, 1778-1820, SFA,709E.
9. Abraham Hohenshell Family, Bible record of Hohenshell, Abraham (1st entry is for him then his siblings follow), 1-page handwritten record appears to be from a German Bible (don't know source) with dates from 1820-1844, title at top has "Familien Register" with 2 columns subtitled "Geburten," part of Hohenshell / Sherbondy Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 July 1984, part of 791.5A, also received from Kathryn L. Raines 12 Oct 1984 part of 904A , Correspondence # 791.5, 904A at SFA. Hereinafter cited as Charlotte Hohenshell handwritten Bible Record.
10. Letter from Ruth Ann Chapman Dierzen to Jeffrey D. Sherbondy, 14 May 1990; Descendant # 1247XXXX, Correspondence # 1625A at SFA.
11. Charlotte Hohenshell Cemetery Marker purchase receipt, 124, 904A.
12. Bible Record of Hohenshell, Charlotte, 2 typed pages titled "George and Charlotte Hohenshell (nee Schebonda) as taken from the family bible" and "Brewer's Ancestors" (descendants of Richard Brewer and Leah Garee, don't know source, probably not from a bible) sent from Allene (Mrs. Orrie) Duerringer to Kathryn L. Raines in 1981, part of 763A ; Allene Duerringer sent typed sheet, St. Louis, MO (Mrs. Duerringer), Correspondence # 763A at SFA, "Mo" handwritten on typed sheet. Hereinafter cited as Charlotte Hohenshell Bible Records.
13. Ruth Ann Dierzen, compiler, Compiled Records of Hohenschield, Charlotta Sherbondy (I), 6 page descendant narrative report from computer program of 2 generations of descendants of Johan George Hohenschield and Charlotta Sherbondy, part of 2234A, Correspondence # 2234A at SFA, (Aug 2005). Hereinafter cited as Charlotta Sherbondy Hohenschield desc narrative.
14. John and Abraham Hohenshell George, Fayette Co. PA Census, 24 July 1850, Page 276, Dwellings 85,86, 87, Correspondence # 791.5A at SFA.
15. Charlotte Hohenshell Bible Records, 763A.
16. unknown volume, Hoffman's Hope Lutheran Church Records: per the index, 1782-1915, SFA,704E, 730E.
17. Charlotte Hohenshell handwritten Bible Record, 791.5, 904A, the handwriting from the time makes the "1" in 1821 similar to a "7".
18. Charlotte Hohenshell Bible Records, 763A, handwritten on the typed sheet.
19. John Brewer Obituary, Obituary of Brewer, John, # 1244, part of Hohenshell / Sherbondy Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 July 1984, part of 791.5A, , Aug 1904, Descendant # 1244, Correspondence # 791.5A.
20. Moses E. Bushnell, 1900 Chartion County, MO Census, 1 June 1900, Census T623, Roll 847, Sndx Film T1055 Roll 13, Supv Dist # 142, Enum. Dist # 35, Sheet 16, Line 39, Correspondence # 791.5A at SFA.
21. Kathryn L. Raines, Hohenshell / Sherbondy History,791.5A, Date shows 21 June 1832/3.
22. Sarah M. Brewer and Moses E. Bushnell marriage, 13 Feb 1878, Correspondence # 791.5A at SFA, , Descendant # 12446.
23. Sarah Brewer Bushnell, Death Certificate (24 Sep 1951), Descendant # 12446, Correspondence # 791.5A at SFA. Hereinafter cited as Sarah Bushnell Death Certif.
24. Moses Bushnell Obituary, Obituary of Bushnell, Moses, part of Hohenshell / Sherbondy Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 July 1984, part of 791.5A, , March 1936, Descendant # 12446, Correspondence # 791.5A.
25. Sarah M. Brewer Bushnell Obituary, Obituary of Bushnell, Sarah M. Brewer, 2 articles, part of Hohenshell / Sherbondy Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 July 1984, part of 791.5A, , Sept 1951, Descendant # 12446, Correspondence # 791.5A. Hereinafter cited as Sarah Bushnell Obit.
26. Moses Eugene Bushnell, Death Certificate (22 March 1936), Descendant # 12446, Correspondence # 791.5A at SFA. Hereinafter cited as Moses Bushnell Death Certif.
27. Mary Ellen Bushnell Roe Obituary, Obituary of Roe, Mary Ellen Bushnell, part of Hohenshell / Sherbondy Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 July 1984, part of 791.5A, , Jan 1981, Descendant # 124464, Correspondence # 791.5A.
28. William H. Bushnell Obituary, Obituary of Bushnell, William H., some parts are hard to read, part of Hohenshell / Sherbondy Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 July 1984, part of 791.5A, , Descendant # 124462, Correspondence # 791.5A. Hereinafter cited as William H. Bushnell Obituary.
29. Letter from Allene Horton Dueringer to Jeffrey D. Sherbondy, 2 Aug 2004; Descendant # 1244612, Correspondence # 2146A at SFA.
30. Franklin N. Horton, compiler, Compiled Records of Hohenschild, Charlotta Sherbondy, Journal Narrative Report of the descendants of Charlotta Sherbondy Hohenschild with her ancestors to Jean Cherpantier, many notes and detailed sources identified in the narrative, compiled by Franklin N. Horton and received 6 Aug 2004, 29 pages, part of 2147A, Correspondence # 2147A at SFA. Hereinafter cited as Charlotta Sherbondy Hohenschild genealogy.
31. Archie Linn Roe Obituary, Obituary of Roe, Archie Linn, 1957, part of Hohenshell Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 July 1984, part of 791.5A, , 1957, Descendant # 124464, Correspondence # 791.5A. Hereinafter cited as A. L. Roe Obit.
32. Obituary of Roe, Mary, Jan 1981, 791.5A, Date handwritten on the article.
33. A. L. Roe Obit, 1957, 791.5A, Date handwritten at top of article.
34. Ruth Irene Venable Obituary, Obituary of Venable, Ruth Irene Bushnell, 1 large and 1 small article of her obituary, 1 small article of a heart attack, 1 article of thanks, 1 unrelated article regarding Christmas gathering, 1 photo of the tomb stone, 2 photos of Ruth, a copy of the funeral service, all part of the Hohenshell / Sherbondy Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 July 1984, part of 791.5A, Greeley, 1956, Descendant # 124466, Correspondence # 791.5A. Hereinafter cited as Ruth I. Venable Obit.
35. Marriage Certificate of Bushnell, Ruth Irene and Daniel Bartlett Venable, 2 Nov 1913, part of Hohenshell / Sherbondy Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 Nov 1984, part of 791.5A, Descendant # 124466, Correspondence # 791.5A at SFA, Hereinafter cited as Ruth I. Bushnell Marriage Certif.
36. Ruth Irene Bushnell Venable, Death Certificate (4 Jan 1957), Descendant # 124466, Correspondence # 791.5A at SFA. Hereinafter cited as Ruth I. Venable Death Certif.
37. Daniel Bartlett Venable Obituary, Obituary of Venable, Daniel Bartlett, 1981, 2 articles (1 with a photo) plus 1 photo of the tomb stone plus a copy of the funeral service and 2 additional photos, part of Hohenshell / Sherbondy Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 July 1984, part of 791.5A, Greenley, 1981, Descendant # 124466, Correspondence # 791.5A. Hereinafter cited as Daniel B. Venable Obit.
38. Ruth I. Venable Obit, 1956, 791.5A, Date per the funeral service program.
39. Daniel Bartlett Venable, Death Certificate (29 Apr 1981), Descendant # 124466, Correspondence # 791.5A at SFA. Hereinafter cited as Daniel B. Venable Death Certif.
40. Letter from Kathryn L. Raines to Jeffrey D. Sherbondy, 12 Oct 1984; Descendant # 1244661, Correspondence # 904A at SFA.
41. Pauline Roe Hoover Obituary, Obituary of Hoover, Pauline Roe, 1970, part of Hohenshell / Sherbondy Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 July 1984, part of 791.5A, , 1970, Descendant # 124464X, Correspondence # 791.5A. Hereinafter cited as Pauline Roe Hoover Obit.
42. Pauline Roe Hoover Obit, 1970, 791.5A, Date was handwritten next to the article.
43. Marguerite Ruth Roe Piggott Obituary, Obituary of Piggott, Marguerite Ruth Roe, 1969, part of Hohenshell Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 July 1984, part of 791.5A, , 1969, Descendant # 124464X, Correspondence # 791.5A. Hereinafter cited as Marguirite Piggott Obit.
44. George John & Joseph Sherbondy households, 1850 Census of Westmoreland Co., PA, 13 Aug 1870 (sic), Film 444805, page 360, line 12, entry 276/282, Correspondence # 89A, 215A at SFA does not have a copy of this source, Repository not cited by the author, Referred to in correspondence.
45. Marguirite Piggott Obit, 1969, 791.5A, 3 sons and a daughter, but the daughter's name is unreadable.
46. Marguirite Piggott Obit, 1969, 791.5A, Date was handwritten on the article.
47. Franklin N. Horton, Charlotta Sherbondy Hohenschild genealogy,2147A, birth date is 10 days from brother.
48. Franklin N. Horton, Charlotta Sherbondy Hohenschild genealogy,2147A, birth date is 10 days from brothers.
49. Kathryn L. Raines, Hohenshell / Sherbondy History,791.5A, per group sheet of Daniel and Ruth Venable (her parents).
50. Kathryn Louise Venable, Birth Certificate 1244661 (5 Jan 1915), SFA, unknown repository address.
51. Marriage Certificate of Venable, Kathryn Louise and Ray Alfred Adams, 16 Jan 1936, Book 4, Page 243, Reception 1226 in Adams Co., CO; part of Hohenshell / Sherbondy Genealogy received from Kathryn L. Raines 15 July 1984, part of 791.5A, Descendant # 1244661, Correspondence # 791.5A at SFA, Hereinafter cited as Kathryn L. Venable Marriage Certif.
52. Kathryn L. Raines, Hohenshell / Sherbondy History,791.5A, group sheets says "Cheyenne, Laramie Co., Colo" used WY instead of Colo.
53. Ruth Fritzler Venable Obituary, Obituary of Fritzler, Ruth E. Venable, Greeley Colorado Tribune, 23 June 1984, received from Kathryn L. Raines 12 Oct 1984, part of 904A, Greeley, CO, 23 June 1984, page A-3, Descendant # 1244665, Correspondence # 904A. Hereinafter cited as Ruth E. Fritzler Obituary.
54. Kathryn L. Raines, Hohenshell / Sherbondy History,791.5A, both group sheets indicate "Los Vegas, New Mex" spelled out.

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